Thursday, May 21, 2009

Alpaca sweaters, where no alpaca is killed for its fur – by

Alpacas are also known as the 'sheep of the Andes' and are a source of livelihood for Andean communities.

The alpaca, like the llama, has always been a domesticated animal, but unlike the llama, it is usually raised for its luxurious fine fiber. It is more profitable than the llama due to its better wool and tastier meat.

Alpaca has been the premier fiber of the Peruvian. Inca royalty wore robes made from alpaca fleece for good reason; alpaca is luxurious, strong, warm, and beautiful.

In adapting to the extreme temperatures of the high mountains, the alpaca developed fleece with unique thermal properties. In addition, yarns made from alpaca fleece are stronger than ordinary yarn and resist soiling, staining and pilling. Beacause an alpaca's coat does not have natural oils, its fleece is less likely to have the characteristic "itchiness" of ordinary wool and is more likely to be hypo-allergenic.

The wool can be found in 22 distinct, natural colors from white, to brown, to black. An alpaca can produce enough wool to make 6 or 8 warm sweaters. When compared to sheep wool, which only has a clean fiber yield of 43-76% after processing, the alpaca gives 87-95% usuable fiber. Another advantage of alpaca wool over sheep is that it does not require chemicals to be scoured and cleaned due to a much lower grease (lanolin) content. This makes it better for Pachamama, and also less expensive to process. Alpacas can be raised at very high altitudes, and so have developed more thermal capacity than almost any other animal. That´s the reason why the ALPACA is the camelid that serves as the main subsistence for Andean people. Alpacas live in the Andes at altitudes ranging from 3,000 to 4,500 metres above sea level and withstand extreme temperatures.

Nowadays, in the fashion industry, Alpaca fur is renowned to be one of the most luxurious, softest, resistant and beautiful fibres. It comes in an array of natural colours and it is used to produce beautiful apparel as well as home accessories.

People who touch an alpaca marvel at how soft its fleece is. This softness is the reason the feel of alpaca is often compared to the feel of cashmere.

In our online store you can buy different products such as warm alpaca sweaters, socks, shawls, hats (Chullos), and other gadgets.
In our alpaca garments we use a large percentage of alpaca wool without chemicals and knitted by hand and machine guarding every detail in their development. The quality of our alpaca sweaters makes them suitable for export.

Autor: Jesús Ubarnes

Friday, November 7, 2008

Alpaca Teddy Bears, the special gift that everybody will love

The alpaca is a typical camelid from the Peruvian Highlands, today there are about 3.5 million alpacas in the Andean highlands, most of which can be found in Peru. There are two types of it:
The Suri alpaca, whose fiber is limp, silky, shiny and lustrous;
The Huacaya alpaca, which is estimated to make up between 85% of the Alpaca population, and has relatively short fiber which is dense, curly and voluminous. The hair covers almost all the body, only the face and lower parts of the legs having a covering of short fibers.
The main features of alpaca meat, which is extremely appreciated in Peru, are its high protein content (21%), its low fat content (4%), its low calorie content (101 kcal) and its low cholesterol level, which makes alpaca meat a healthy and light product in comparison to other kind of meats which have a higher cholesterol level (chicken, turkey, pig, beef, lamp).
Alpacas are popular internationally for their luxury fiber and as pet, show, and investment animals in Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, France, and Israel, as well as the United States.
The alpaca, in its two breeds, the Suri and the Huacaya, is the source of a beautiful fiber, of exceptional brilliance and extraordinary texture, whose fineness varies from 19 microns (Royal Alpaca), 22.5 microns (Baby Alpaca), 25.5 microns (Super Fine Alpaca), to 32 microns (Coarse Alpaca). This unique fiber also offers the largest range of natural colors in the world, which vary from black to white, and extend through an ample range of grays and browns.
The appellation 'Baby', for example, is applied to products (tops, yarns, cloth, etc.) where the average fiber diameter is 22,5 microns. The fiber used to obtain this quality does not necessarily come from baby animals; it could easily come from an adult animal with a very fine coat. Each quality is employed to create different products such as cloth, scarves, sweaters, blankets, carpets and so on. The alpaca may also be blended with other fibers, generally of natural origin.
We are peruvian alpaca fur product exporters with a lot of exporting experience to the United States, England, Spain and Germany, among others. It all started with my father about 70 years ago. He was passionate about Peruvian products. I continued his tradition and my kids will follow in my footsteps. We hope that you too will appreciation the interpretation of our artists in their attempt to record the riches of our culture in the products they produce. We work with a expert group of artisans to offer the best alpaca products like our bestseller “alpaca fur slippers” made with peruvian alpaca which have the greatest quality required by the international market…as we are manufacturers and exporters our prices are quite low compared to the competition’s.
Our alpaca bears or alpaca teddy bears offer a high quality in their finishing details and are made of the best material for its daily use. Our alpaca bears are beautiful, very soft and they come in natural colours. We are proud to offer them through our web page, and we are sure you would be anxious about acquiring our alpaca products.

Our alpaca products are scentless and really smooth at touch. Our technology and tanning process make the leather more resistant to tearing and chapping, making its life longer.
Contact: Jesus Ubarnes –

Alpaca Teddy Bears, the special gift that everybody will love

The alpaca is a typical camelid from the Peruvian Highlands, today there are about 3.5 million alpacas in the Andean highlands, most of which can be found in Peru. There are two types of it:
The Suri alpaca, whose fiber is limp, silky, shiny and lustrous;
The Huacaya alpaca, which is estimated to make up between 85% of the Alpaca population, and has relatively short fiber which is dense, curly and voluminous. The hair covers almost all the body, only the face and lower parts of the legs having a covering of short fibers.
The main features of alpaca meat, which is extremely appreciated in Peru, are its high protein content (21%), its low fat content (4%), its low calorie content (101 kcal) and its low cholesterol level, which makes alpaca meat a healthy and light product in comparison to other kind of meats which have a higher cholesterol level (chicken, turkey, pig, beef, lamp).
Alpacas are popular internationally for their luxury fiber and as pet, show, and investment animals in Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, France, and Israel, as well as the United States.
The alpaca, in its two breeds, the Suri and the Huacaya, is the source of a beautiful fiber, of exceptional brilliance and extraordinary texture, whose fineness varies from 19 microns (Royal Alpaca), 22.5 microns (Baby Alpaca), 25.5 microns (Super Fine Alpaca), to 32 microns (Coarse Alpaca). This unique fiber also offers the largest range of natural colors in the world, which vary from black to white, and extend through an ample range of grays and browns.
The appellation 'Baby', for example, is applied to products (tops, yarns, cloth, etc.) where the average fiber diameter is 22,5 microns. The fiber used to obtain this quality does not necessarily come from baby animals; it could easily come from an adult animal with a very fine coat. Each quality is employed to create different products such as cloth, scarves, sweaters, blankets, carpets and so on. The alpaca may also be blended with other fibers, generally of natural origin.
We are peruvian alpaca fur product exporters with a lot of exporting experience to the United States, England, Spain and Germany, among others. It all started with my father about 70 years ago. He was passionate about Peruvian products. I continued his tradition and my kids will follow in my footsteps. We hope that you too will appreciation the interpretation of our artists in their attempt to record the riches of our culture in the products they produce. We work with a expert group of artisans to offer the best alpaca products like our bestseller “alpaca fur slippers” made with peruvian alpaca which have the greatest quality required by the international market…as we are manufacturers and exporters our prices are quite low compared to the competition’s.
Our alpaca bears or alpaca teddy bears offer a high quality in their finishing details and are made of the best material for its daily use. Our alpaca bears are beautiful, very soft and they come in natural colours. We are proud to offer them through our web page, and we are sure you would be anxious about acquiring our alpaca products.

Our alpaca products are scentless and really smooth at touch. Our technology and tanning process make the leather more resistant to tearing and chapping, making its life longer.
Contact: Jesus Ubarnes –

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Diseño de Páginas Web y Programación de Desarrollo

Construir una página Web básica es tan fácil que incluso hoy en día existen páginas web en las cuales ingresando unos cuantos datos le pueden generar automáticamente su propio Website.
Pero cuanto de esto funciona si es que su meta es crear un negocio y/o hacerse conocido en la internet?. Lo único que logrará al crear una de estas páginas Web gratuitas llenas de publicidad que usted nunca pidió, es simplemente decir que tiene una Website y pasar la voz a sus amistades acerca de la ruta hacia su Web para que esta sea al menos visitada un par de veces al mes.
Es por eso, que existen profesionales tales como diseñadores y programadores que se encargan de hacer de la internet una herramienta atractiva de negocios para el empresario.
Por tales motivos siempre se recomienda que a la hora de ingresar a la gran red, deba contar con el respaldo de un creativo diseño para su página Web y el indispensable posicionamiento web.
Más del 81% del tráfico de Internet viene a través de los motores de búsqueda. Una página web con un gran diseño no es suficiente si no recibe las visitas requeridas.
El objetivo de todo Webmaster SEO, es que su página salga listada en los buscadores con las palabras clave que tienen que ver con su negocio y a su vez estar posicionado en los primeros lugares para “ese” resultado de búsqueda. Las palabras clave son frases o palabras que están enlazadas con el contenido de su Website y por las cuales sus potenciales cliente lo contactaran.
En la internet se pueden encontrar atractivas páginas Web fáciles de navegar y posicionar que garantizan óptimos resultados de su inversión. La mayoría de sus clientes quedan fascinados con la excelente combinación de colores, imágenes y la distribución de fácil acceso a cada una de sus pantallas.
Cada diseño web es creado a partir de las necesidades del cliente y enfocados hacia su público objetivo para conseguir el máximo de trafico cualificado para su página Web. Crear campañas publicitarias en Internet, como banners y animaciones ayuda a que esta tenga más visitas y por lo tanto logre el objetivo deseado. Correos y notas de diferentes partes del mundo llegarán a su bandeja de entrada semanalmente preguntando por el servicio que brinda; Pues, precisamente en eso consiste el diseño y desarrollo web en crear atractivos sites que inviten al usuario a regresar y seguir navegando con facilidad.
Bajos costos: Es la manera más económica y rápida de hacerse conocido internacionalmente y poner su negocio en internet.
Entrega rápida: Pueden estar listos hasta en una semana dependiendo de la cantidad de datos que desee para su Página Web.
Los costos generalmente varían según la cantidad de páginas y contenidos a desarrollar, pero el precio estimado de un sitio web tradicional se encuentra entre los $200-$800 e incluyen diseño web, codificación e instalación.
Diseño Web Institucional
Son creados para darle a su empresa presencia en Internet, pero que no tienen como objetivo ser su principal herramienta de trabajo o medio publicitario. Generalmente estos sitios están formados por pocas páginas HTML, no poseen base de datos y, por lo tanto, no necesitan ser actualizados.
Páginas Web Grandes son construidas pensando en su fuerte permanencia en la Web, son generalmente bastante extensas y orientadas a las ventas, contienen al menos 15 pantallas HTML, algunas de estas incluyen base de datos y animaciones en flash. Este tipo de páginas web tienen un extra de funcionalidad por la cantidad de datos que se pueden encontrar, sin embargo, mientras más funcionalidades tenga su sitio, los requisitos de la plataforma de alojamiento pueden ser más altos.



Sunday, September 7, 2008

Aquí empieza la travesía

Salí de mi casa a las 08:00 a.m. lo primero que ví fue lo primero que pisé. Un trozo de caca de perro justo en la puerta se pegó en mi zapato, (eso quería decir que tendré suerte durante el día). Me lo saque sobando la zuela con el borde la vereda. Segui mi ruta a la esquina para tomar el micro hacia el trabajo, un station vagon con la maletera llena de verduras me ensucio el cabello con todo el humo que lanzaba de su tubo de escape, yo que salí de mi casa tan fresca y regia ya me estaba sintiendo sucia por la polvareda que levantó esa chatarra. Que diantres!, seguía esperando en la esquina mi micro. Un taxi paró sin que yo estirara la mano, y solo para que un tipo rolludo, con la barba a medio crecer, despeinado y con una franela roja en las rodillas me dijera "mamacita a donde te llevo"...que asco, para eso me arreglo tanto. 5 Minutos depues de atormentarme con la contaminación sonora de la avenida, llegó mi carro, dos hombres con periodico en la mano, una señora de bolso y 4 escolares subieron antes que yo, empujándose se abrieron paso entre la multitud que viajaba casi colgada de la carcocha que cada vez se inclinaba más hacia la derecha... ni loca iba a subir alli, que se asfixien ellos si quieren, yo seguiría esperando y esperando y esperando...